Scientifically developed for instrument cleaning

Octizyme® a combined cleaner-pre-disinfection agent for use in the reprocessing of all reusable immersible, surgical, medical and dental devices prior to ssterilization Unique mono enzymatic action ensures rapid results when used within either instrument soaking tanks, sinks or ultrasonic cleaners.

Feature & Benefits

OCTIZYME is nontoxic, biodegradable and free from Aldehyde, Chlorine or Phenols.

  • Powerful Action
  • Vastly reduces Bio-Burdon aiding effective sterilisation
  • Dissolves proteins (Blood, Saliva, Mucus etc.)
  • Leaves instruments thoroughly clean and bright

Chemical Composition

Detergent System, Proteolytic enzyme, Quaternary ammonium compound.


5 Litre Plastic container

  • Dissolve Octizyme® in warm tap water to the recommended dilution rate
  • Completely immerse, preferably disassembled, instruments into the solution for a minimum 5 minutes
  • On removal rinse instruments thoroughly in clean water
  • Change to fresh solution daily or earlier should gross soiling of the solution become evident
  • Unused ready diluted solution can be stored for use within 7 days

For effective Instrument, decontamination, pour Octizyme in warm tap water at the following ratios:

  • 1% Solution: 10ml to 1 liter of water

Cleaning/Disinfection Ability

  • Vastly reduces Bio-Burdon on instruments prior to sterilization
  • Dissolves proteins rapidly (Blood/Saliva/ Faeces etc.)
  • Continually disinfects contaminated wash water as created through the cleaning action
  • Renders instruments thoroughly clean and bright


Store in the original container below 25°C. In a dry well-ventilated area away from sources of heat or ignition. Protect from direct sunlight.

  • Irritant
  • Irritating to the eyes
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes
  • In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice
  • Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves
  • Store in dry conditions
  • Octizyme® is unsuitable for use on aluminum
  • For advice on handling/storage refer to product safety data sheet
  • Empty container should be rinsed with water prior to disposal/recycling
  • Avoid contact corrosion by separating stainless steel from non- stainless steel instruments and clean/disinfect separately.
  • Discard corroded instruments, (rust particles are transferred from one instrument to another during cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing).
  • To help preserve instrument life a second and short final rinse using demineralized water is recommended
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