Dedicated supplier of innovative hygiene solutions
NAROUVA is a Canadian chemical company specialised in manufacturing chemical biocides and preventive hygiene technologies for industrial applications.
Our Products designed for a wide variety of application areas offering comprehensive portfolio in the world that are effective against all known diseases causing microorganisms. Besides, at NAROUVA we provide specialized formulations for difficult applications such as animal farms, surgical instruments and, healthcare food processing areas.
Using Canadian Technology. From the very beginning of our establishment, we set priority to professionalism and continuous technological development, aiming to be continuously prepared to meet the needs and changes of the disinfectant Markets all over the world.
At NAROUVA, We have developed a well-knitted worldwide distribution. Owing to this strong network, we fulfil our client's requirements timely regardless of their geographical location.
Currently we are serving Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Middle East as our major markets. We strive to continuously improve our product development by maintaining close relationships with our customers, research centres and strategic suppliers.
The safety, efficiency and quality of our product are important:
We ensure reliable products through scientifically supervised experiments in universities, colleges and privately.
Part of the company philosophy is to ensure consistent quality improvement. This is achieved by NAROUVA team through a process-oriented quality management system. By consulting with our customers, we support the reasonable and effective use of our products.
Plant and Production Facilities
Owning and operating our manufacturing facilities has allowed us at NAROUVA to exercise complete control of each stage of the product to deliver on our promise of high-quality products.
The plant is situated at Sturgeon industrial park, Alberta, Canada.
The production facilities have been constructed and maintained in accordance with the Who GMP requirements for cleanliness. Plants operations maintaining high-quality standards by qualified & experienced technical personnel and trained workforce.
We focus our efforts in core areas where we believe NAROUVA is best positioned to bring unique, premium products to our customers.
The production process for all our products starts with the careful selection of raw materials. Each product must be in compliance with the highest Canadian Quality Standards and this is carefully monitored in each phase of development and production processes.
Corporate Social Responsiblity
We understand our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and contribute to it by developing an environment-friendly range of biosecurity products. The methods used in production are proven harmless and do not affect animals or human life. Purity is what we promise through our range of products with guaranteed results. We follow each and every step in strict compliance with the environmental norms and never compromise them for increased profit.
Apart from environmental safety we also focus upon the safety of our employees. Hence, protective clothing, medical facilities, respiratory devices and other measures are kept ready to face any emergency situation. We also ensure safe disposal of waste, ensuring no harm to mother earth and the human race.