Find fast. Kill quickly. A first-choice for fly and beetle control in poultry houses

AMUFLOX® is a first choice for house fly and darkling beetle control. Reducing pests reduces the impact on animal well-being and performance potential. AMUFLOX® is an insecticide for poultry houses with a unique active ingredient that delivers a quick kill and long-lasting residual.


  • A lethal dose of thiamethoxam and tricosene to darkling beetles and house flies
  • A combination of contact and stomach modes of action
  • Dual attractants for male and female house flies
  • A new option in poultry for rotation with other insecticide classes

AMUFLOX® is a new water dispersible residual insecticidal bait formulation for the control of house flies (Musca domestica) in agricultural buildings (e.g. barns, poultry houses, etc.). The novel combination of a neonicotinoid insecticide with both contact and stomach modes of action, with a house fly sex attractant and a bait, provides an effective fly bait formula which encourages both male and female house flies to remain in treated areas and consume or contact lethal doses of the product. This unique formulation affords the end user up to 6 weeks of residual activity when applied according to label directions.

In addition, AMUFLOX® kills litter beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) on contact in broiler houses. AMUFLOX® should be used as part of an integrated pest management program for insects.


  • Use any AMUFLOX® suspension on the day of mixing, preferably immediately after preparation. Do not treat dirty, highly porous or newly whitewashed walls to prevent loss of long term efficacy. Do not apply on metal and glass surfaces to avoid excessive run-off. Treated surfaces may display a slight, discernible discolouration (white to beige film or powder) when dry, that permits applicators to identify treated surfaces and monitor the rate of bait consumption.
  • Apply ONLY in locations not accessible to children, pets, domestic animals or wildlife, and ONLY on surfaces not routinely contacted by livestock or workers/bystanders. Protect from direct sunlight, water and rainfall. DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
  • AMUFLOX® is a formulation suitable for application as a paint-on and/or spray-on insecticidal bait for house flies or a contact insecticide for litter beetles. The appropriate recommendations for use rates and individual methods for these applications are as follows:

Paint-On for Adult Fly Control:

  • Thoroughly mix the appropriate quantity of AMUFLOX® to effectively treat the intended surface areas with a corresponding volume of lukewarm water to obtain a suspension with the consistency of a brushable paint. In general, a ratio of 125 grams of AMUFLOX® per 100 mL of water produces a mixture of suitable consistency that effectively coats surfaces and provides adequate drying times. The freshly prepared suspension should be applied using a brush and, because of the highly attractive nature of the AMUFLOX® bait formulation, need only be applied to a small percentage of the available surface area of a building. For paint applications, a daily maximum quantity of 2.0 kg of AMUFLOX® may be mixed and applied by one person.
  • The following table (Table I) provides a guideline for the product dilutions and approximate equivalent sizes of the building that can be treated (expressed in terms of floor surface areas) with each volume;
  • AMUFLOX® as a Paint-On-Guide
50 g100 g250 g*400 g1 Kg
In 40 ML waterIn 80 ML waterIn 200 ML waterIn 320 ML waterIn 800 ML water

Size of Building - Equivalence in Floor (Ground) Surface Area (m
20 m2 ground40 m2 ground100 m2 ground*160 m2 ground400 m2 ground
  • *NOTE: As an example, to treat a room with a floor surface area of 100 m2, prepare a suspension of 250 grams of AMUFLOX® in 200 milliliters of water and apply this volume to approximately 20 spots of 300 cm2 each.
  • Because of the effective attractive nature of the AMUFLOX® formulation, the suspension need only be applied using a brush to a small percentage of the available surface area of a building. As a general guide, apply the suspension at a rate of approximately 20 “spots” (of about 10 x 30 cm each) per 100 m2 of ground surface, in areas where flies congregate, such as window sills, doors frames, warm wall areas and near animal pens, ensuring that the bait is kept out of reach of animals and away from surfaces frequented by humans and domestic pets. Stir occasionally during application. Do not use on walkways used by animals or on any surfaces that may be routinely contacted by workers or bystanders.
  • Where insufficient surface area is available for painting or where some slight white discoloration caused by the “paint” is unacceptable, paint strips of cardboard, wood or light boards and hang them from the ceiling in locations not accessible to children, pets, domestic animals or wildlife.

Spray-On for Adult Fly Control:

  • For applications employing a low-pressure spray applicator, thoroughly mix the Fly Bait with lukewarm water at the ratio of 125 grams of AMUFLOX® per 1000 mL of water to obtain a mixture of suitable consistency that will effectively coat surfaces while providing adequate drying times.
  • Again, the following table (Table II) provides a guideline for the product dilutions necessary to obtain an optimum suspension for spray applications.
  • AMUFLOX® as a Spray-On
50 G100 G250 G400 G1 Kg
In 400 ML waterIn 800 ML waterIn 2000 ML waterIn 3200 ML waterIn 8000 ML water
  • Apply suspension using a standard course spray applicator to appropriate target locations of the wall/ceiling surface area. Again, because the effective attractive nature of the AMUFLOX®bait formulation, and unlike “traditional” agricultural fly wall sprays, the suspension need only be applied to a small percentage of the surface area of a building to provide effective fly control.
  • The amount of diluted product required to treat a particular building will vary depending upon the nature of surface to be treated. Apply spray to the point of run-off, while avoiding excessive run-off, to areas where flies congregate, such as window sills/frames, door frames, warm wall areas and near animal pens, ensuring that the bait is kept out of reach of animals and away from surfaces frequented by humans and domestic pets. Stir occasionally during application. Do not use on walkways used by animals or on any surfaces that may be routinely contacted by workers or bystanders. Where insufficient surface area is available for bait application or where some slight discoloration caused by the spray is unacceptable, spray strips of cardboard, wood or light boards and hang them from the ceiling in locations not accessible to children, pets, domestic animals or wildlife.
  • AMUFLOX® may provide up to six weeks of residual activity, depending upon the size of the resident pest population, re-infestation or re-invasion from neighbouring farms, etc. Estimation of the amount of bait remaining can be determined by observation of the rate at which the slight discolouration of treated surfaces (slight whitish/beige “powder”) disappears. Re-apply the product, as necessary, so as to reduce the possibility of a resident fly population being re-established.
  • The ultimate residual control afforded by AMUFLOX® will depend upon the size and source of the resident fly population, the re-invasion rates from neighbouring agricultural practices, and the on-farm maintenance, sanitation and hygiene procedures and schedules (e.g. routine removal of fly breeding sites/material, etc.). It is always recommended that AMUFLOX® Fly Bait products be used as part of a complete integrated pest management program designed to minimize pest populations and optimize the housing conditions for economic animals.

Directions for use against Litter Beetle in Broiler Houses (“Band Spray” Method):

  • AMUFLOX® kills litter beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) by direct contact. Using the preparation methods detailed above, AMUFLOX® should be applied as a suspension in a single 1m wide band at the rate of 4 grams per square metre of surface area (i.e. “band spray method” - ~ 2 to 3 X the house fly control rate). Ensure that the product is mixed with sufficient water to allow a thorough wetting of this 1m wide band on all sides of the broiler house (~1 L per 15 m2).
  • The spray should be applied after cleaning of the facility and the placement of new litter, but just before the house is heated for the arrival of a new batch of chicks. The spray should be applied to the litter beetles’ primary migration routes towards the new litter. The area around any cracks or openings in the ceiling or walls should also be sprayed.
  • The rationale for this program is the fact that the beetles hide in the ceiling or walls between cycles and then crawl out just before the new chicks arrive. At this point, therefore, they will come into contact with the spray band.

Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wear coveralls over a long sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, shoes and socks when handling the product, clean-up and repair. Wear a NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator when applying and a NIOSH/MSHA-approved dust-filtering mask during clean-up of the product that is not completely consumed. Wash exposed body parts and change clothing after handling, and before eating, drinking or smoking. Do not contaminate feed, water, food or litter through application or disposal of product. Do not apply bait where animals can lick the product. Prevent accidental transfer of the product, by people or animals, from treated areas to areas used by livestock.

Store in original container below 25°C. In a dry well ventilated area away from sources of heat or ignition. Protect from direct sunlight.

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